
February 6, 2017

Today, I started back to work in the studio. I haven't picked up a slab of clay in 5 weeks - always feels strange for the first few minutes, like I've missed an old friend. Over the years, I've developed a habit of taking the latter part of December off as well as the month of January. Sales are non-existent and my shelves are pretty full with pieces I made before Christmas so its become a nice 'health' break. It makes me look forward to starting work again too by this time!

The new pieces will be in preparation for the first sales of the year - typically at the Lacombe Art Exhibit and Sale in mid- April (April 21 +22nd this year) in lacombe, a sale event that's always a lot of fun and often a barometer as to how the rest of the year may go for sales.

At -25˚C today, I'm sure glad I don't need to be outside firing but can stay warm in the studio just watching the winds blow the snow around out there!!!