
Resource Professional / Educator / Arts Administrator with over 25 years experience in various aspects of the Visual Arts, currently.  Expertise includes a vast knowledge of art practices and media, budget administration from $25,000 to over $250,000 annually, program planning/ implementation and management of a staff compliment from two to 20 employees.

The Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery (MAG),  Art Curator (p/t)                            2018 – Present

The City of Red Deer, Public Art Coordinator (p/t)                                                      2007 – 2017

The Cultural Charter Partners of Red Deer and District, Coordinator (p/t)                     2004 – 2007

Red Deer College, Librarian, Circulation Div. (p/t)                                                        2002 – 2004

Penhold Public Library, Assistant Librarian (p/t)                                                                     2002

Historic Markerville Creamery, Director (p/t)                                                                            2002

The City of Red Deer, Culture Services, Culture Programmer 1 (p/t)                                     2001

Arts à la Carte, Red Deer, Alberta, Visual Arts Programmer (p/t)                               2001 – 2004

The Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery, Art Curator (p/t)                                        2018 – Present

As the Art Curator for this world class Museum and Art Gallery, the position is responsible for the planning of various exhibitions and management of the MAG’s current and future permanent Fine Art Collection.


The City of Red Deer, Red Deer, Alberta                                                                      2007 – 2017

This Culture Capital of Canada recipient (2002) and city of  103,000 adopted a Percent for Art Program and created the position of Public Art Coordinator to manage the steadily growing public art collection found throughout the City.

Public Art Coordinator (p/t)

As the first Public Art Coordinator for the City of Red Deer, the Coordinator has been tasked with initiating the Policies and Procedures established in the Percent for Art program.

  • Manage the procedures in which the City of Red Deer attains new public art works.
  • Oversees the care and maintenance of existing artworks within the City’s public art collection.
  • Initiates procedures required to de-accession artworks from the Collection.
  • Oversees the work of professionals hired to perform special services for the Collection.
  • Report regularly to a Public Art Committee and occasionally to City Council.
  • Acts as liaison between the City of Red Deer and special interest groups or individuals.
  • Works with a wide variety of City of Red Deer departments as they relate to public art artworks or sites.


University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan                                                         1993 – 2000

This University provides full academic services to distance, part and full time students involved in Engineering specialities, Humanities, Fine Arts, and Business Administration among a range of degree programs.  Approximately 8,000 on-site students enrol annually.  At the current time, one of the main initiatives of this institution involves research in partnership with the private sector.

Visual Resource Centre Curator

Recruited to this position with a mandate to modernize and update the computer data base facilities utilized by the Fine Arts departments, responsible to digitize records and ensure that visual and textual information within the department was accessible to internal users as well as the international community via the internet.

  • Managed and maintained over a 130,000 slide/video/text collection, equipment use and reformatted information into CD collections to be used in various computerized classrooms by the faculty
  • Supervised the daily assignments and duties of an assistant and three rotating student assistants who brought unique contributions and knowledge from individual departments
  • Demonstrated competence in a range of IBM computer systems: Windows 95/98, Office 97, Access, Excel, Banner , Internet + Web, Scanning Digitization, CD production
  • Information Technology representative for the Faculty of Fine Arts on the University’s Strategic Planning Committee
  • Implemented and managed programs and activities in conjunction with the Faculty of Fine Arts including Visual Arts, Theatre, Music, Film + Video Departments
  • Oversaw the development of a ‘smart’ room including acquisition, installation, and management of data projector, 20 x 24 foot screen, surrounds around sound system and various high tech computerized equipment (DVD / CD player, overhead projector, etc.)


Sessional Instructor                                                                                               1993 – 2000

  • Facilitated Visual Art Classes to 2nd and 3rd year students of the arts, specifically in ceramics 1, 3D design, and 2D design over the course of my employment within the University
  • Developed courses with approval of the Department Faculty Heads in accordance to the mandates of the department


MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan                                                               1995

This world-renowned ‘A’ Gallery includes state-of-the art facilities utilized by artists throughout the world.

Research Library Librarian (p/t)

Managed and maintained a 30,000 volume research library used by regional and international professional art critics and curators

  • Provided research assistance to the curators and public at large
  • Gained a thorough knowledge of the Dewey, Library of Congress cataloguing systems
  • Co-ordinated the daily assignments of up to 30 volunteer assistants
  • Maintained the database entries, cataloguing of books, and exhibition materials i.e. posters, brochures, news releases, etc.


City of Red Deer Recreation and Culture, Red Deer, Alberta                              1991 – 1992

This City of 99,000 prides itself for its importance of culture as well as recreation for the well being of the city’s surrounding area residents through promotional events, specialized services, and museum / library resources.

Assistant Culture Programs Supervisor

  • Developed and implemented community events and affordable arts programs to promote artistic and cultural initiatives to citizens of all ages through effective volunteer recruitment and utilization
  • Supervised volunteer instructors and assistants to ensure that quality programs were being delivered
  • Liaised with other community services to reduce potential activity duplication and maintain a cooperative working relationship to promote the arts to the greater community


Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta                                                               1986 – 1990

Red Deer College was established in Red Deer as a Junior College in 1963.  Since its inception, with an initial enrolment of 121 students, Red Deer College has grown to a Full Campus Institution with nearly 6,500 full-time and part-time students and another 9,000 registered in non-credit community education courses.


Visual Arts Community Education Program Coordinator

  • Planned, promoted, and implemented non-credit Visual Arts Programs including “Series” the largest  adult visual arts summer school in the world delivering 60 visual arts courses each summer, “Summerscapes”, a visual teen arts summer school,  the “Artist-In-Residence” program open to individuals from anywhere in the world, and Fall/Winter Continuing  Education programs


Muttart Gallery Associates, Memorial Park Library, Calgary, Alberta                                       1985

This Gallery is known for its historical significance as the first Carnagie-sponsored Library in Western Canada.


Assistant Program Coordinator                                                                                    1985

  • Assisted in the planning, promotion, and installation of the exhibitions
  • Responsible for office management and public relations




Curator   “View from the 52 Parallel / Meridian 114” Exhibition                                                           1992
Curator   “Contemporary Ceramics – On the Wall” Exhibition                                                            1991
Juror     Alberta Community Art Clubs Association                                               2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016

                Alberta Project and Study Grants (Visual Arts), Alberta Foundation for the Arts
(formerly Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism)                                                              2002, 1991, 1987

Guest Artist    Whispering Pines Ranch, 1992;
Red Deer College, 1991

Artist in Residence    University of Manitoba, 1995
Jasper Potter’s Guild, 1983



Masters of Fine Arts, Ceramics Major                                                                     1992 – 1994
University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Ceramics Major                                                                1977 – 1980
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

Art and Design Diploma                                                                                        1974 – 1976
Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta



Instructor during many workshops, seminars, and symposiums over the last thirty years throughout Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.



Board Member or member in the following organizations: Red Deer Arts Council , 2012 – Present, Friends of Sunnybrook Farm, 2004 – 2007, Cultural Charter Partners of Red Deer, 2003 -,2007, Red Deer and District Archives Committee, 2001 – 2007 (Chair, 2005/06), Red Deer and District Museum Society Committee, 2001 – 2006, Neutral Ground (Artist Run) Gallery, 1996 – 1997, Red Deer and District Allied Arts Council, 1985 – 1998, Alberta Potter’s Association 1991 – 1997, 2011 – 2013, Alberta Craft Council 1984 – 1997, Aviation Film Festival , 1991 – 1992



  • Skiing, bike riding, hiking                 Volunteering          ·      Travel